The Internet Monk Archives

The Internet Monk Archives

For twenty years, Michael Spencer, Chaplain Mike and a number of other writers described and discussed the post-evangelical life, seeking a Jesus-shaped spirituality.

Michael Spencer

Michael Spencer was the founder and primary writer of Internet Monk and author of Mere Churchianity. The title “Internet Monk” comes from his appreciation for Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton.

He taught at an international Christian boarding school in southeastern Kentucky. He was a leading voice critiquing American evangelicalism, culminating in his articles “The Coming Evangelical Collapse.” His dream was to move to a little church near a pub with a minor league baseball park nearby, work with university students, and cook Italian food for the mob.

Michael died on April 5, 2010 after a brief battle with cancer.

Chaplain Mike

Chaplain Mike (CM) is a hospice chaplain in Indianapolis. A pastor since 1978, he served churches in Maryland, Vermont, Illinois, and Indiana before becoming a chaplain to those in the final season of life.

He was a reader/commenter on Internet Monk when Michael Spencer contacted him with concerns about how Christians deal with death and dying. When Michael himself became ill, he asked CM to take over as lead writer for IM after he died.

For ten years, CM and other gifted writers sought to keep the Internet Monk legacy of Jesus-shaped spirituality alive.

Essential IM posts for understanding the post-evangelical wilderness journey

Best of Michael Spencer

Best of Chaplain Mike

Visit Pastor Dan’s site, Mystery and Meaning for thoughtful articles and continuing conversation. Also, Dan will be serving SATURDAY BRUNCH!!!